Phu Dang

Technical and Leadership Experience

“Links to disclosable code, presentations, and deliverables are available on my LinkedIn profile”

Biokind Analytics

Applied AI & Jr. Software Developer (Cognitive City Twins)        Jan 2024 - Present

La Jolla, California                                                                                               Part-time

Organization website: Qualcomm Institute

Contributed to developing digital twin platforms for UC San Diego, Chula Vista Bayfront, and Hollywood’s Vinyl District.

Biokind Analytics

President & Lead Data Scientist                                                     Sep 2022 - Present

La Jolla, California                                                                                               Part-time

Organization website: Biokind Analytics

Biokind Analytics

Housing Solutions Consultant & Designer in Residence          Jan 2024 - June 2024

San Diego, California                                                                                           Part-time

Organization website: WDC

UCSD Urban Studies & Planning

Fellow Scholar                                                                                Sep 2023 - Present

La Jolla, California                                                                                           Fellowship

Real Estate + Data Science experiential learning fellowship with the Urban Studies & Planning Department and Homelessness Hub at UC San Diego, under the ULI H2H Mission Priority Initiative.

Affordable Housing Research Assistant

Mentors: Dr. Feiyang Sun, Dr. Mirle Rabinowitz-Bussell

Data Science Fellow

Jacobs School of Engineering

Data Science Trainee in Niema Lab                                           Sep 2022 - Oct 2023

La Jolla, California                                                                                           Fellowship

Data science experiential learning fellowship with the Computer Science & Engineering department

Mentor: Dr. Niema Moshiri

Going Solo

Lead Data Analyst Intern                                                             Jun 2022 - Aug 2022

City of Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa (Remote)                                       Internship

Company website: Going Solo IT Services & IT Consulting

Exceeded internship expectations by proactively implementing an automated data labeling tool by leveraging machine learning, effectively saving significant time and resources when the initial assigned approach was brute force, setting a new standard for efficiency and problem-solving at the company


Deloitte Data Science Mentorship Program Mentee                Feb 2022 - May 2022

San Diego, California                                                                      Development Program

Company website: Deloitte Business Consulting & Services

A data science mentorship program jointly organized by Deloitte and the Halicioglu Data Science Institute.

Assumed a leadership position within the project group, taking charge of task assignments, scheduling meetings, and cultivating a cohesive project story when our team needed leadership; fostering a positive, motivated team environment, on-time delivery, and quality assurance.

Jacobs School of Engineering

UCSD CSE SPIS Student                                                                Aug 2021 - Sep 2021

San Diego, California                                                                      Development Program

Program website: SPIS - Summer Program for Incoming Students

Pre-college summer computer science program

Typed my first print(“Hello World”). Had zero clue what machine learning was, so I implemented a purely if-else decision tree to build a car recommender. Did manage to use Flask for front end display!


SCHS Swim Team Manager and Swimmer                                  Feb 2018 - Jun 2021

San Jose, California                                     Team Manager (2021), Swimmer (2017-2021)

I volunteered to be my swim team’s manager (and swimmer) during my senior year in high school when we needed one

Notable accomplishments: 2018 JV Coach’s Award, 2019 JV Valuable Swimmer Award, 2021 Varsity Swim Appreciation Award, 2021 Varsity Coaches Choice Award

Fun fact: 4 awards given by 4 different coaches over 4 years

Phu Dang